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5Q Leadership

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The 5 Questions a Good Leader Can AnswerPower and PurposeThe purpose of this guide is to help you align your leadership so that you use your power to most effectively and joyfully achieve what truly matters to you and your team and organisation.The power of your payoff when you put this into action will be people will look to you for leadership and direction to help them grow as (seemingly effortlessly) as you. Key questions to be considering as you read, watch or listen to this AdvantEdge Coaching Guide:What is the ONE thing you will stop doing, start doing or change how you behave or act that will have the greatest impact on your leadership performance from your learning here?What is the single, tiniest step you can take immediately that will begin that improvement and by when?

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↑ The 5 Questions a Good Leader Can AnswerWhat is the Problem? Who Does This Hurt?If you wanted to go on a journey, the very first question you must answer is: “Where to?”And the second: “Why?”In fact you go “where” because of “why”!If you don’t know the answer to these two questions - the rest are moot!Staff turnover across the globe is at an all time high. Many sectors are struggling to fill positions because job seekers simply don’t want jobs in those sectors. Governments across the globe have reduced immigration and dependency on cheaper foreign workers in those sectors for populist political reasons. And the pandemic has made many people realise that they want something more from their work and employer. People have quit their jobs in record numbers, ostensibly for better pay elsewhere but they were already plenty disengaged at work before that. And of course, it’s not the mediocre or poor performers who are quitting, it’s the “talent” who are leaving for greener gra$$ .If you want to retain “talent” and thrive in this new future of work, then have a truthful answer for these five questions.

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↑ The 5 Questions a Good Leader Can AnswerWhat's Happening in Your Brain?Someone asks you if you want to come on a journey with them. Whether this journey is a new job, a startup, a visit to the pub or restaurant, a holiday, down to the Ukraine, or up the road to your mum’s house.Once your brain has this context (where), your conscious brain wants to know “Why?”If the “why” is satisfactory for you , your next question is “How?”How will you get there? What is the route or plan? What vehicles and weapons do we have available to help us get there or do what we need to do?Once we know where, why and how we want to know “Who with?” We want to know the people involved, what they bring to the party and if we like them.All this time, your unconscious brain has been tuning their Limbic System radio in to Wii FM - our fifth question “What In It For Me?”

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↑ The 5 Questions a Good Leader Can AnswerHow Much of a Problem is this really?Remember the more basic the personal (Wii FM) need, the more important it is for survival. And money - whilst not a true need in itself, is the means by which we pay for our basic needs.Before the Covid Pandemic, employee engagement figures were going from terrible to worse - climbing to a height of 85% employees disengaged in 2017.The sudden and unplanned switch to remote work left employees exhausted from all day virtual meetings. The return to the office has been met with cheers and laughter, um no, the Great Resignation.Statistical research into the “Great Resignation” since the Covid Pandemic is suggesting many people quit their jobs due to Low pay, lack of opportunities for advancement and feeling disrespected (not being respected by my tribe, not mattering, and lowered self-worth) . Qualitative research shows that, yes people want more money and respect but they also really want to be doing something meaningful (the “why”).It’s not just how much money you shove at people - important though that can be - its about leading well and being able to answer these five questions.Where are we going?Why are we going there?How are we getting there?Who else is coming along?What’s In It For You (personally)?

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↑ The 5 Questions a Good Leader Can AnswerIn what ways does this journey satisfy my needs (Wii FM)? My basic physiological needs (How much do I get paid helps a lot here), My safety and security needs (how much I get paid helps some here, but remember psychological safety needs). Are the people involved going to be my tribe? Will I belong? Will they care for me?Will what I bring to this journey matter? Will the people respect me? (If I am paid more, I matter more?)Will I derive meaning from this (the why is really important here) and does it boost my self-esteem? (Fancy job titles might work for a while here)Finally, does this enable me to serve others? (The “why” and “where” should answer this).

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↑ The 5 Questions a Good Leader Can AnswerHow Can I Be Better In This Area?As a leader, it’s your job to answer these five questions well. Whether you are wanting to raise engagement and hence performance, influencing them to do something (change strategy, tactics or destination), encouraging them to do more faster with less, recruiting new members or empowering them to take on more responsibility and authority. Your answers to these five questions needs to be crystal clear, consistent and congruent (what you say is what you do).Remember that your brain loves stories. We remember stories. we feel stories. Your brain is wired to detect patterns, and stories are stored as images and symbols. Stories are recalled more accurately than facts and they are more effective as vehicles to convey information.Answer these five questions as a story for your team members. Where?: It will help to use a vivid and sensory analogy or metaphor to describe your destination. Why?: shows how you will overcome a problem(s) - the villain(s) of your story - with theHow?: weapons and vehicles that you have available.Who?: The team and people are the hero(es) of this story (NOT the leader!) They bring the skills, abilities, knowledge and power to overcome the villains.WiiFM?: The story wraps with how going on this journey satisfies the personal needs of the people to whom you share this story.

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↑ The 5 Questions a Good Leader Can AnswerWhat Next?Create your story. Think about movies that have impacted you, they will likely be: Personal, People or Symbolic stories.Personal stories work best because they come from the heart (startup founders often use these). People stories (about real people) are also powerful - perhaps a real client who has benefited from your product or service. Symbol stories: Or consider a suitable analogy, metaphor or symbol that would work for your business, product or service: journeys, games, projects, battles.You might want to use one of the Universal Appeals to help with the most critical personal needs. But only if they are truthful and edifying!People will do anything for those who 1: encourage their dreams, 2: justify their failures, 3: allay their fears, 4: confirm their suspicions, and 5: help them throw rocks at their enemies.↑ The 5 Questions a Good Leader Can AnswerWhat do I do if I need help to do this?

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The first step is to talk to someone you trust. A medical doctor, a pastor, a true friend. Maybe a coach or mentor. Remember, this is a world of rapid change and people want to be reassured by a leader who is consistent (with the same story) yet adapts in good time to changing circumstances (changes the story). If you want to consider coaching, you can learn more about AdvantEdge Coaching so that you can have Joy@Work and Your Team to becomes United in Trust and Collaboration, contact us here and arrange a complimentary, confidential, no obligation Discovery Session.How Can We Serve you? – for your Complimentary Advant…