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Cult workshop handouts

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Mind Games Exposed: Unveiling the Dark Side of Neuro-Linguistic

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What is a Cult? What is Cult Behaviour?• Charismatic Leader: A single, charismatic individual often leads cults, and this person is usually considered infallible or uniquely enlightened.• Isolation: Members may be physically, emotionally, or psychologically isolated from the "outside world," including family and friends.• Exclusive Beliefs: Cults often claim to have exclusive access to truth, salvation, or enlightenment.• To tali t a r i a n C o nt ro l: A hierarchical structure exists where the leaders exercise total control over members' lives.• Indoctrination: The group employs manipulative methods to control members emotionally and mentally; this could involve propaganda, re-education, or "thought reform.”• Us vs. Them Mentality: Cults often foster an us-versus-them mentality, viewing outsiders as threats or enemies.• Love Bombing: New members may be showered with attention and affection as a means of emotional manipulation.• In-Group Language: Use of jargon that makes communication with outsiders difficult.• Psychological Manipulation: Use of tactics that can lead to mental and emotional

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Cult or Not?• Scientology• Mormonism (LDS Church) • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) • NXIVM • People's Temple (Jonestown) • Roman Catholic Church • CrossFit • Freemasonry • Amway • The Moonies (Unification Church) • Hare Krishna (ISKCON) • Heaven's Gate• Google (Company Culture)• Branch Davidians• Rotary Club•

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Cult or Not?Scientology1. Cult: Yes2. Reason: Highly controversial, accused of exploiting members financially and emotionally.Mormonism (LDS Church)1. Cult: No (but sometimes debated)2. Reason: Recognized as a mainstream religious organization, though some accuse it of cult-like behaviour.Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)1. Cult: No2. Reason: A support group aimed at helping individuals with alcohol dependency.NXIVM1. Cult: Yes2. Reason: Leaders convicted of crimes including sex trafficking and forced labour.People's Temple (Jo nestow n)1. Cult: Yes2. Reason: Responsible for the mass suicide/murder of over 900 people in

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Cult or Not?Roman Catholic Church1. Cult: No2. Reason: Established mainstream religious organization.CrossFit1. Cult: No2. Reason: A branded fitness regimen, sometimes criticized for its intense community.Amway1. Cult: No2. Reason: Multi-level marketing company, sometimes criticized for cult-like tactics but not a cult.The Moonies (Unification Church)1. Cult: Yes2. Reason: Known for mass weddings and a messianic leader.Hare Krishna (ISKCON)1. Cult: No (but debated)2. Reason: A Hindu religious organization, sometimes accused of cult-like recruitment

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Cult or Not?Heaven's Gate1. Cult: Yes2. Reason: Responsible for mass suicide in 1997 believing they would reach an extraterrestrial spacecraft.Google (Company Culture)1. Cult: No2. Reason: Known for a strong corporate culture but not a cult.Branch Davidians1. Cult: Yes2. Reason: Led by David Koresh, ended in a deadly siege in Waco, Texas.Rotary Club1. Cult: No2. Reason: A service organization with no cult-like

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Introduction to the BITE Model• Behaviour Control• Behaviour control involves regulating an individual's physical reality, including their actions, daily activities, and overall behaviour• Information Control• Information control involves the deliberate control, distortion, or withholding of information to impair the target's ability to think critically.• Thought Control• Thought control involves influencing the way an individual thinks, typically by teaching the person to adopt the group's "correct" way of thinking.• Emotional Control• Emotional control involves manipulating and narrowing the range of a person's

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The Language of Milton and Ethical Concerns Ambiguity: Statements that are deliberately vague, allowing the listener to fill in their own meaning.Example: "You can begin to relax, as you might when you're just drifting."Pacing and Leading: 'Pacing' is making statements that are undeniably true to build rapport and trust. 'Leading' is then introducing new suggestions.Example: "You are sitting here reading this (Pacing). Now you can start to feel more comfortable and open (Leading)."

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Metaphor: Using stories or analogies to convey a message indirectly.Example: "Think of your mind like a garden. Just as you pull weeds from a garden, you can remove negative thoughts from your mind."Yes Sets: A series of statements designed to get the listener agreeing before introducing a new suggestion.Example: "You here today, are you not? And you’re reading this now, right? And we have talked about cults? So, you're interested in making a change, aren't you?"

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Yes SetsFact Fact Fact + plausible idea

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The Language of Milton and Ethical Concerns • Example 1: "You are reading this text, which means new seeds have been planted for your growth."• Technique: Pacing and Leading + Metaphor• Analysis: The statement starts with a pacing statement ("You are reading this text"), which is undeniably true. It then leads into a metaphor about growth ("new seeds have been planted for your growth")

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The Language of Milton and Ethical Concerns • Example 2: "You are breathing, you are online, and you have blinked today, which means you are willing to invest in yourself today and also in NLP training."• Technique: Yes Sets + Leading• Analysis: The statement starts with Yes Sets ("You are breathing, you are online, and you have blinked today"), which are all factual and meant to get the listener into a pattern of agreement. It then introduces a new suggestion ("you are willing to invest in yourself today and also in NLP training")

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The Language of Milton and Ethical Concerns • Example 3: "I don’t know when you will fully realize that you are sitting here comfortably, listening to my voice, and going into a deep trance."• Technique: Ambiguity + Leading• Analysis: The statement begins with "I don't know when you will fully realize," which is ambiguous and leaves room for interpretation. It then makes a leading statement ("you are sitting here comfortably, listening to my voice, and going into a deep trance") that may influence the listener's behaviour or emotional

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Case Study: NXIVM and the BITE Model• NXIVM (pronounced "Nexium") was a multi-level marketing company that offered personal and professional development seminars through its "Executive Success Programs." Founded by Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman, the organization claimed to empower people to unlock their potential. However, it was later exposed as a cult-like organization involved in various illegal activities, including sex trafficking. Founder Keith Raniere was convicted on multiple charges in

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Case Study: NXIVM and the BITE Model• Behaviour Control:1.Hierarchical Structure: NXIVM had a pyramid structure with different ranks, denoted by coloured sashes.2.Financial Commitment: Members were encouraged to take more courses and recruit others, often incurring significant debt.3.Isolation: Members were discouraged from questioning NXIVM teachings and were isolated from sceptical friends and

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Case Study: NXIVM and the BITE Model• Information Control:1.Confidentiality Agreements: Members had to sign NDAs, ensuring that internal practices were not disclosed.2.Limited Information: NXIVM controlled the narrative by suing critics and journalists, intimidating defectors, and employing propaganda within the

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Case Study: NXIVM and the BITE Model• Thought Control:1.Jargon: NXIVM had its own language and acronyms, creating a barrier between members and the outside world.2.Ideological Indoctrination: The teachings promoted an "us vs. them" mentality, where members were enlightened, and outsiders were

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Case Study: NXIVM and the BITE Model• Emotional Control:1.Fear of Defection: Leaving NXIVM was portrayed as a betrayal, leading to personal failure and ostracization.2.Exploitation of Vulnerabilities: Personal information shared during workshops was allegedly used to manipulate and blackmail

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