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Intro to Narration Feature

Page 1

Page 1 is an example of a page without any narration yet

Page 2

Page 2 is an example where a video narration has already been created. Users may want to "re-do" their video.

Page 3

Page 3 has an audio narration. Again users may want to replace it either with a new audio or new video. Audio is surprisingly (or not), currently more popular than video.

Page 4

Click this invitation link and you can follow the steps to submit a guest narration:

Page 4 is the case where the author of the booklet has invited a guest narrator to the page.

Page 5

Challenges Headshots

Should these be part of the voice narration modal or somewhere else?


Autoplay On

Autoplay First View Only

Turn page on Finish

These settings have bounced between living in their own modal or in the recording modals


There is a challenge with how to show current content either on a page where content already exists, or immediately after you have created a new potential candidate narration. Wiping out the existing content without giving the creator a preview seems particularly bad.