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Non-Oil Exports – Recommendations

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SPECIAL MAY 2023 EDITIONCOMMUNIQUE Panel of Experts Dr. Omolara Akanji: Former Director, Trade andExchange, Central Bank of NigeriaMr. Abdullahi Sidi Aliyu: Former Director, ExportDevelopment and Incentives, NEPCDr. John Isemede, former Director-General of theNational Chamber of Commerce Industry, Minesand Agriculture (NACCIMA)Mr. Olufemi Boyede: Moderator, CertifiedInternational Trade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade Expert Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinarsTheme "Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the Incoming Administration" Talking Trade & Investment Global Webinars Talking Trade & Investment Global  Webinars

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Welcome to this special May 2023 Communique edition ofTATRIG Webinars. This episode is different. This time wehave put together a panel of Trade Experts, each has 30years+ of experience in trading within the Nigerian Non-Oilexports sector. The idea is to tap from their expertise, knowledge, andversatility and put together a document containing theirrecommendations as well as insights from the webinarparticipants for the incoming administration. The webinar'stheme was "Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the Incoming Administration" Webelieve there is a lot the new administration can do to takeNigeria's Non-Oil Exports to a new level.We have collated the webinar's speeches, presentationslides, and videos in this flip book. Happy reading, happyviewing!MAY 2023|ISSUE 19Getting It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationA Welcome Note from the Chief Host andConvener of the TATRIG Webinars,Olufemi Boyede, CITPYou are all invited to join our monthly TATRIG webinars. You can get thefull details of each event and also register for the webinars at: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars


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01THE PREMISETalking Trade Webinars It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 According to David Suzuki, "Global Trade has advantages.For starters, it allows us who live through winter to eat freshproduce year-round." Investopedia, the world's leadingsource of financial content on the web, asserts that"international trade allows countries to expand theirmarkets and access goods and services that otherwise maynot have been available domestically."Truly, trade is the most proven potent catalyst for economicreconstruction and recovery. But trade is competitive. Theinternational trade space is a battlefield with fiercecompetition for market share, and countries must arm their(trade) soldiers with the best weapons to succeed in thiseconomic environment. Providing such support has beenthe primary enabler of the success of those countriescontrolling the trade space. It is a herculean task foreconomies in transition or development as they struggle toplay in the space. Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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01THE PREMISE (CONTD) a healthy environment for trade by regulatingthe imbalance in this competition is one of the centralmissions of the World Trade Organization. Securing a fairshare of the space is the primary reason for specializedtrade blocs and preferential trade agreements. To succeed, aplayer, a firm, or a nation on this battlefield must supplyitself with all the information it can obtain. Developingeconomies, in particular, must understand how the tradegame is played and how they can enhance thecompetitiveness of their traders. Talking Trade with Femi Boyede was launched to discussthe various obstacles a firm, individual, or country canexpect to confront as they design, implement or modifytheir strategic process to manage the trade. The virtualplatform allows individuals from across the globe to learnfrom recognized trade experts during an informative andengaging discussion.Getting It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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02ABOUT THEWEBINARSThe webinar series, which is coordinated by TATRIG,Talking Trade & Investment Global Inc., form a virtualplatform for engaging discussions on international tradefrom its components to the values it offers to individuals,corporations, and countries, reducing poverty, creatingemployment, growing national economies, increasingcorporate profitability. As the CEO of TATRIG, Mr. OlufemiBoyede, CITP, is arguably Nigeria’s strongest acclaimedadvocate of non-oil export development and promotion.With over 30 years of experience in the non-oil export fieldand the media space, Mr. Boyede will be the primaryresource person, along with other invited trade experts asguest speakers. Lady Kay will also assist him as theModerator/Anchor at the It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Olufemi Boyede, CITPModerator /Anchor,Talking Trade webinars Lady It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationTrade Expert, Convener and Host,Talking Trade WebinarsTime: 12 noon ET, 5pm WATDate: First Saturday of everymonth Convener and HostTalking Trade Webinars02ABOUT THEWEBINARS-CONTDDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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TALKING TRADE WEBINAR CONVENER ANDTRADE EXPERTMR OLUFEMI BOYEDE, CITPCEO, KGS, AND FEMIBOYEDE CONSULTING It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationOlufemi Boyede, CITP, has over thirty years ofprofessional experience in international trade andstrategy, policy advocacy and human capitaldevelopment. He has broad expertise in trade andbusiness environment improvement, regionalintegration frameworks, trade linkages, servicesexports, public-private dialogue and advocacy on non-oil exports and enterprise development issues.He has a strong background in private sectormanagement positions and consulting roles in thebusiness, trade and logistics communities. Date: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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He has recently held numerous senior trade and exportdevelopment positions in Nigeria’s public and privatesectors and several Consultancy assignments withInternational Agencies, including the World Bank, DFID,GIZ, USAID, the Commonwealth Secretariat, and theInternational Trade Centre (ITC).‘Femi’s 30 years of international trade expertise placeshim in a leveraged position to provide professional adviceto worldwide clients (both importers and exporters),helping them successfully navigate the day-to-daycomplexities of the international trade industry. TALKING TRADE WEBINAR CONVENER ANDTRADE EXPERTMR OLUFEMI BOYEDE, CITPCEO, KGS AND FEMIBOYEDE CONSULTING It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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His passion for increasing awareness and equippinginternational trade stakeholders forms the basis for thisseries of webinars.Olufemi holds a Post-graduate Certificate in Logistics andSupply Chain Management from Fanshawe College,London, Ontario, and an MBA from the University of ThePeople, California, USA. TALKING TRADE WEBINAR CONVENER ANDTRADE EXPERTMR OLUFEMI BOYEDE, CITPCEO, KGS AND FEMIBOYEDE CONSULTING It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Kemi Amusan, popularly known as Lady Kay, is a linguist(French and English), an Editor, a Crisis PreventionIntervention Trainer, and a community leader (leadingseveral thousands of blacks) as the immediate pastpresident of the Nigerian-Canadian Association in GreaterToronto Area, Canada. She currently works as an AssistantRegistrar at a great university in the Caribbean. Lady Kaygives back to the community as the Senior Advocate ofGlobal Women Ambassadors, Canada. In this role, sheorganizes programs to educate, elevate and facilitate manysocio-cultural, entrepreneurship, immigration, educative,and empowerment programs for families. Lady Kay is alsothe host of Agbajo Owo and Ask Lady Kay – thebroadcasting arms of Global Women Ambassadors thatseek to ‘build the community, one family at a time. TALKING TRADE WEBINAR MODERATORAND ANCHORLADY It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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03EXPECTED OUTCOMESAND OUTPUTSThe outputs of the Trade Webinar series will include thefollowing:a. Webinar Report: A summary of key findings and policyrecommendations distilled from each session, combinationsof sessions, papers, and keynote speeches.b. The proceedings of the webinars, incorporating relevantcomments and feedback from peer review and webinarparticipants, will be published after the episode or quarter.c. These findings and recommended solutions will bepresented to relevant government agencies, ministries,parastatals, and other identified stakeholders.d. Our in-house team will track the results of the webinarseries and make updates available to subscribers It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

Page 13 It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationMEET THE EXPERTS:PANELLISTSDate: 6th May 2023 Dr John Isemede, former Director-General ofthe National Chamber of Commerce Industry,Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA)Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

Page 14 & BioGetting It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDr John Isemede, former Director-General ofthe National Chamber of Commerce Industry,Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA)Date: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

Page 15 It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationMEET THE EXPERTS:PANELLISTSDate: 6th May 2023 Dr Omolara Akanji: Former Director, Trade andExchange, Central Bank of NigeriaTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

Page 16 & BioGetting It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationDr Omolara Akanji: Former Director, Trade andExchange, Central Bank of NigeriaDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

Page 17 It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationMEET THE EXPERTS:PANELLISTSDate: 6th May 2023 Mr Abdullahi Sidi Aliyu: Former Director, ExportDevelopment and Incentives, NEPCTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

Page 18 & BioGetting It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationMr Abdullahi Sidi Aliyu: Former Director, ExportDevelopment and Incentives, NEPCDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

Page 19 It Right With Non-OilExports: Recommendations forthe Incoming AdministrationMEET THE EXPERTS:PANELLISTSDate: 6th May 2023 Mr. Olufemi Boyede: Moderator, CertifiedInternational Trade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade ExpertTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars"Export remains the readiest solution to Nigeria's currentfluctuating exchange rates and depleting foreign reserves.Export remains the immediate solution to the difficulty ofNigerian parents in sourcing foreign currency to pay for thefees of their children that they have sent abroad. Export remains the only solution for people going formedical attention and what have you, who probably need tothese days. You apply for BTA; you are on the queue forprobably four months and stuff. Suppose we had an export-driven economy where export is the second language ofeverybody, and that is possible. In that case, the stress onforeign exchange from only one source (the CBN) would beremoved. That’s the reason why we are here. And then wehave sung this song so much that it looks like our larynxesare beginning to falter. That's the reason why we are here.And then we have sung this song so much that it looks likeour larynxes are beginning to falter. But we will do it one more time for the love of country. Andhopefully, whatever it is that we're doing today will bepassed on to the think tank of the incoming administration."Opening remarks by Olufemi BoyedeMr Olufemi Boyede: Moderator, CertifiedInternational Trade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade ExpertGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 05Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars"How are we going to work? Nigeria got independent in1960, and we have been in this business. Why are we notrecording successes like other countries? At the time we gotindependence, we were only 50 million people. Today wehave 200 million-plus with over 600 trade agreements. Whois driving the policy in question?There is nowhere in the world where they don't havepolitical parties. Political parties are marketers. They come,set their ideas and order and sign the social contract, whichis the manifesto. Why are things not working in Nigeria?"Dr. Isemede called for a shift in focus towarddevelopingNigeria’s export sector and for the Government toprioritize the appointment of knowledgeable officialsandimplementing effective policies to achieve this goal. Heemphasized the importance of export for theeconomicgrowth of Nigeria and questioned why Nigeria hadnot been successful in exporting despitehaving a largepopulation and numerous agreements. He decried the lackof solid policies and leadership and appointing officialsbased on contributions to electioneering rather thanexpertise. ."Opening remarks by Dr John IsemedeFormer Director-General of the NationalChamber of Commerce Industry, Mines andAgriculture (NACCIMA)Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Dr John IsemedeFormer Director-General of the NationalChamber of Commerce Industry, Mines andAgriculture (NACCIMA)Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Olufemi Boyede, CITPGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Mr Olufemi Boyede: Moderator, CertifiedInternational Trade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade ExpertTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Dr John IsemedeFormer Director-General of the NationalChamber of Commerce Industry, Mines andAgriculture (NACCIMA)Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars"A lot has changed... International trade is both import andexport. In the past, we were trying to ensure that we playedsafe and had enough export revenue in our reserves... if youlook at the trade policy, it is a beggar-my-neighbor’ssituation. If you are strong in a particular commodity, youexport that commodity, and where you are weak, you importthe commodity.For example, we are importing a lot of petroleum productswhile not exporting enough agriculture, which is ourstrength; I want to say that it is our strength more than evenoil, as this carbonization thing is policy coming up globally,the oil will dwindle.But agriculture had not been entirely encouraged. And sothe balance of trade is always against Nigeria. We have moreimports than exports, so we try to balance the terms oftrade.So those are the kind of things; the treasury management offoreign exchange flows is very important, and that ismissing."Opening remarks by Dr Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Dr. Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars"Export promotion in Nigeria has started for quite a longtime. As far back as 1976 or thereabout, the NigerianExport Promotion Council was established; the mainobjective was to see how non-oil exports would developand how non-export would be promoted to enable non-oilexport to achieve a specific position in Nigeria's grossdomestic product and foreign exchange earning capacity. Initially, we had the best way you could promote export,apart from creating the enabling environment, which wasto provide a set of incentives that were meaningful forexport development. Now, if you look at themanufacturing side of exports, about eighteen of thoseincentives were meant to promote export manufacturing.They are no longer in existence.For example, the Duty Drawback and Duty SuspensionScheme would have aided manufacturing for export veryquickly. Unfortunately, that Duty Drawback Scheme is stillin the books of the Nigerian Customs Service, but I don’tthink anybody is implementing it anymore.”Opening remarks by Mr Abdullahi Sidi AliyuRetired Director, Export Development andIncentives, NEPCGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Mr Abdullahi Sidi AliyuRetired Director, Export Development andIncentives, NEPCGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Mr Abdullahi Sidi AliyuRetired Director, Export Development andIncentives, NEPCGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Panel of ExpertsClick the image below to watch the video of the opening remarks bythe various panellists.Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Panel of ExpertsClick the image below to watch the video of the round-up closingremarks by the various panellists.Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Panel of ExpertsClick the image below to watch the video of the Discussion Sessionwith the webinar participants and the panellists.Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Boyede: Mallam Sidi, what should the incomingadministration do to redirect the Nigerian economy towardsnon-oil exports?Mr. A. Sidi Aliyu: You may remember you made anobservation about the Commercial Desks that wereabrogated without any meaningful substitute. If you look atit holistically, those Commercial Desks were to createadditional market access for made-in-Nigerian products.Now, if you create those market access and you come backhome, we don’t have the capacity to produce enough toservice demands. We don’t have the capacity to supply whatis being demanded. So I think the incoming Governmentshould focus on addressing those domestic problems. Thereare a lot of them.We have several supply-base problems. Our supply-basedconstraints must be identified and tackled to support thelittle market access created. Again, we need the necessaryexport infrastructure to facilitate and make positivemeaning out of the exports from Nigeria.Further Discussions by the PanellistsFormer Director, Export Development andIncentives, NEPCGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Mr Abdullahi Sidi Aliyu06Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars SUPPLY BASE CONSTRAINTS:What are supply-base Constraints?This refers to limitations or restrictions in the availability orcapacity of suppliers to provide the necessary goods andservices to meet the demand of a particular buyer or company.These constraints can be caused by various factors, such as: ⁃ Limited production capacity; ⁃ Shortages of raw materials; ⁃ Disruptions in the supply chain due to unexpected events likenatural disasters, geo-political tensions, or pandemicsHow to mitigate these risks: ⁃ diversify supplier base; ⁃ Improve supply chain visibility and resilience; and ⁃ Collaborate with suppliers to improve communication,planning, and risk management.Further Discussions by the PanellistsFormer Director, Export Development andIncentives, NEPCGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Mr Abdullahi Sidi AliyuTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Government’s Efforts: ⁃ Increasing local content in the Oil and Gas industry; more ofthe goods and services needed by the industry are to be sourcedlocally. This reduces the dependence on foreign suppliers andhelps to build up the local supply chain. ⁃ Investing in infrastructure, such as roads, ports, and powersupply, to improve the logistics and transportation of goods andservices. This should help to reduce the cost and time requiredfor supply chain operations. ⁃ Ease of doing business. The Nigerian Government has beenworking to improve the ease of doing business in the country. This includes measures to streamline bureaucratic processes,reduce corruption, and improve the legal and regulatoryenvironment for businesses. By creating a more favorablebusiness environment, the government hopes to attract moreinvestment and encourage the growth of local suppliers andservice providers.Further Discussions by the PanellistsFormer Director, Export Development andIncentives, NEPCGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Mr Abdullahi Sidi AliyuTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Finally, the Nigerian government has been promotingcollaboration between industry stakeholders, local suppliers, andgovernment agencies. This includes initiatives to share bestpractices, develop local capabilities and create partnerships thatcan help to address supply chain challenges.Critical Infrastructure Projects to be Implemented by the nextAdministration: ⁃ Bonny Deep seaport in Rivers State- suitable for handling largecargo vessels; ⁃ Leaking Deep seaport- expected to have a capacity of 1.5 millionTEUs ( twenty-foot equivalent units) when completed; ⁃ Ibom Deep Seaport- the Akwa Ibom State Government isdeveloping the project in partnership with a private investor; ⁃ Olokola Deep Seaport- a proposed deep seaport project locatedin Ondo State in partnership with the Nigerian National PetroleumCorporation (NNPC) and the Ondo State Government.These deep seaport projects are expected to increase the capacityand efficiency of Nigeria’s ports, reduce congestion, and createopportunities for increased trade and investments.Further Discussions by the PanellistsFormer Director, Export Development andIncentives, NEPCGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Mr Abdullahi Sidi AliyuTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsFormer Director, Export Development andIncentives, NEPCGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Mr Abdullahi Sidi Aliyu 2. EXPORT EXPANSION GRANT:Recommendations for improvement: 1. Improve on the time frame for processingapplications 2. Timely disbursement of grant benefits to beneficiaries 3. Widen the application of Export Credit Certificatesto cover other areas like Loans repayment, FIRS Taxes,etc 4. Review policy on exporters' domiciliary accounts. 5. Facilitate sourcing of foreign exchange.Abdullahi Sidi-AliyuDirector, Export Trade DevelopmentInternational Trade Facilitation Association (IITF)Phone: +234 813 916 7775Email: TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Dr. Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaINTRODUCTIONTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Dr. Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaISSUES/CONCERNSTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Dr. Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaSUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONSTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Dr. Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaSUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONSTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Dr. Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaSUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONSTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars's a need for effective and efficient infrastructure andincentives to facilitate trade at all levels of governance. It's morethan just infrastructure at the port alone, from the point ofproduction to the end market. We need adequate infrastructurebecause the absence has added to the unit cost of Nigeria's exportproducts.We must look at the logistics issues because it's anotherdimension inhibiting non-oil exports.The Customs Service must be ready to do things in a standardizedway. They cannot be a judge and jury in their own operations. Dittofor the Central Bank; they cannot be the regulator and also be inthe markets.They are rationing FX and asking exporters that have struggled toearn small amounts of Forex to come and sell to them at their(CBN) rates when the open forex market is offering much higher.So there's a need for driving down, drilling down most of thesepolicies so that it can be easy for SMEs to trade and do particularlynon-oil exports.Further Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Dr. Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaFurther Thoughts (Dr.Akanji)Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Olufemi Boyede, CITPFURTHER THOUGHTSDiversification: Emphasize the need to diversify thecountry's export base beyond oil toreduce dependency on a single commodity (oil) andmitigate the risks associated with oil price volatility.2. Market Research: Conduct extensive market research toidentify potential export markets and determine the demand for specific products orservices. This will help in targeting theright markets and tailoring export strategies accordingly.3. Export Promotion: Implement effective exportpromotion programs to support non-oilexporters. This may include indirect financial incentives,export training programs, trade shows, and exhibitionsassistance Moderator, Certified InternationalTrade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade ExpertTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Olufemi Boyede, CITPFURTHER THOUGHTS4. Infrastructure Development: Invest in infrastructuredevelopment, such as transportationnetworks, logistics, and trade facilitation measures, toenhance the efficiency and competitiveness of non-oilexports. This will improve the supply chain and reducetransaction costs.5. Trade Agreements: Negotiate and enter into tradeagreements with key trading partners to gainpreferential access to their markets. This can helpreduce trade barriers, tariffs, and other regulatoryobstacles hindering non-oil exports. Moderator, Certified InternationalTrade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade ExpertTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Olufemi Boyede, CITPFURTHER THOUGHTS6. Product Quality and Standards: Improve productquality and adhere to international standards to meetthe requirements of target markets. This may involveimplementing quality control measures, certifications,and compliance with international regulations.7. Export Financing: Establish specialized financingschemes or funds to provide non-oil exportersaffordable credit and financial support. This will helpovercome exporters' financial barriers, particularlysmall and medium-sized enterprises. Moderator, Certified InternationalTrade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade ExpertTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Olufemi Boyede, CITPFURTHER THOUGHTS8. Export-Ready Training: Develop specialized trainingprograms to enhance the exportreadiness of businesses. This can include educatingexporters on export procedures, documentation,international trade regulations, and culturalconsiderations.9. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborationbetween the government, private sector,and relevant industry associations to jointly promotenon-oil exports. This can involve sharing resources,knowledge, and expertise to support exporters andcreate a conducive business environment. Moderator, Certified InternationalTrade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade ExpertTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the PanellistsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Olufemi Boyede, CITP Moderator, Certified InternationalTrade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade ExpertFURTHER THOUGHTS10. Export Promotion Agencies: Strengthen thecapabilities and effectiveness of exportpromotion agencies to provide comprehensive supportto non-oil exporters. This can involve enhancing their institutional capacity,human resources, and coordination withother relevant government departments.Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the Webinar ParticipantsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Bosun Solarinsuggested that the incoming Governmentshould focus on bilateral relations within ECOWAS andimprove the relationship between Nigerian traders andneighboring countries.She recommended that the Governmentdeliberatelydevelop exporters, possibly by coveringlogistics, certification, and renewal costs. She alsosuggested that agencies in charge of standards shouldmake it easierfor exportersto access information onexport requirements.Bosun Solarin CEO DIFL Foods (Webinar Participant)Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the Webinar ParticipantsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Elizabeth Nwankwo suggested starting one country at atime and developing a road map. She suggested Gambia for a start and painted a scenariowhere SMEs could come together as a group to shiptheir goods successfully, mainly because SMEsindividually lack the full capacity and resources to do italone.If this proves successful, she further suggested graduallyincreasing the number of countries.Elizabeth Nwankwo CEO Oklan Best Foods (Webinar Participant)Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the Webinar ParticipantsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 "The brilliant idea Elizabeth suggested aboutgroup movementshipping is called groupage - the movement of SMEs' goods,maybe one container a month. Very brilliant. But you will stillpass through all the borders, checkpoints, and toll gates. Theonly antidote to that is what Comptroller (retired), Ogunleyesaid in one of our previous webinars, that there is atransportcode that ECOWAS developed to allow for free movement ofhaulage trucks but not many players are aware of this yet.Government must also engage in economic diplomacy. Weneed to intensify that. We need, first, to find the solutions thatwill be endorsed, accepted, and implemented by all member-states, at leastof ECOWAS. For us to be a big player in theAfrican Free Continental Trade Agreement, I think thedeliberate development of export has to start with intensifiedeconomic diplomacy". Moderator, Certified InternationalTrade Professional, Convener,TATRIG Webinars & Trade Expert Olufemi Boyede, CITPTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the Webinar ParticipantsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Good evening from South Africa, and I wanted to thank Mr.Boyede and his team for this opportunity, as always. Becauseofthe importance I attachedto this webinar, I tried to join eventhough I was driving from Pretoria to Johannesburg for anotherevent with the National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies(NANTA).This platform has become my tool for discussing trade-relatedissues, especially non-oil exports. My worriesusually lie in thefact that we talk about the diversification of the Nigerianeconomyfrom the oil to the non-oil sector. However, still, we arenot there in terms of achievingthe agenda, and any advice tobe provided by this platformto the New Minister of Tradeshould be taken with all seriousness.Mr Ali Ndah (Trade Attaché at the NigeriaHigh Commission, Pretoria (Webinar Participant)Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the Webinar ParticipantsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 I am particularly happy to hear those outcomes from thiswebinar will be passed to the Think Tank of the incomingadministration. Truly, I strongly believe that we need to rethinkour non-oil strategy. I will give you an example; since I resumed here in South Africa,I worried that, despite the strategic role of Nigeria and SouthAfrica Politically and Economy, Oil still represents over 95% ofNigeria’s export to South Africa. How do we promote non-oilexport to take advantage of South Africa? The incoming mustbegin to think of how Nigeria will rebalance her economicrelationship with other trading partners using the non-oilsector. I look forward to the outcomes of this webinar to equally guidemy own work plan for my office in Pretoria.Mr. Ali Ndah-Trade Attache Nigeria High Comm. S.AfricaMr. Ali Ndah (Trade Attaché at the NigeriaHigh Commission, Pretoria (Webinar Participant) continuedTalking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars Discussions by the Webinar ParticipantsGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Nigeria's ceramic product imports are over $900 million,projected to reach $ 2.1 billion by 2025. Real Estate is aviable sector in Nigeria, and this is a significantconsumer of ceramic products.We need to build the capacity to grow Nigeria'sceramics industry. Unless the Government is ready toparticipate, we cannot increase the ceramic industry inthis country because although Nigeria has all the solidminerals needed, we are not using them. They areavailable, but we need the capacity. I think we should concentrate on developing ceramicsinthis country. The majority, 80%, of players in the ceramicindustry in this countryare MSEs.Prof Patrick Oaikhinan,Professor of Ceramic Engineering(Webinar Participant) Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Dr Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Dr Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaDate: 6th May 2023 Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars from Dr Omolara AkanjiFormer Director, Trade and Exchange,Central Bank of NigeriaDate: 6th May 2023 Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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Talking Trade Webinars TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinarsSUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Getting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023

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Talking Trade Webinars TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinarsSUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONSGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 Overall, the panelists emphasized the importance ofcollaboration and innovation in promoting exports and growingthe economy. By building solid partnerships, improving foreignexchange management, and creating regular communicationchannels, the incoming administration can help removebarriers to trade and support SMEs in competing in the globalmarket. Additionally, the panelists encouraged a focus on modernizingtrade policies and prioritizing value addition to increase thecompetitiveness of exports. Finally, the importance of avoidingexporting wealth and importing poverty through measuressuch as backward integration and import substitution wasstressed.

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Talking Trade Webinars TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinarsSUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONSGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 The Government must emphasize the need to identify localpolicies that will help businesses grow and promote theease of doing business, encourage investment in non-oilsectors, and provide support for local producers at thegrassroots level. Therefore, the incoming administrationmust prioritize policies that will create a conduciveenvironment for businesses to thrive, export and contributeto the growth of the Nigerian economy.1.2. There is a need to diversify the Nigerian economyaway fromoil and towards non-oil exports since international trade isabout importing and exporting. While Nigeria is known forimporting Petroleum, it must consider a significant export ofagricultural goods that Nigeria is blessed with, considering itsabundance of resources, thereby striking a balance in itsexchange.This will require a deliberate and sustained effort to identifyand develop other sectors with potential export.

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Talking Trade Webinars TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinarsSUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONScontinuedGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 3. Trade Policies: There is the issue of policy summersaults,where policies that supported the building of a thrivingeconomy are now abolished; therefore, the treasurymanagement policy and the balance of payment policies inNigeria must be considered again.4. The Government should prioritize infrastructuredevelopment, such as roads and power supply, all around thenation to be adequate and sustainable. This will helpmanufacturers produce huge volumes of Nigerian goods forthe established foreign market.5. A call for the (re)establishment of special economic zonesand industrial parks that are dedicated to non-oil exports.

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Talking Trade Webinars TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinarsSUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONScontinuedGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 6. A need to revisit and revive committees and the teams thatwere in charge of policies and programs in the export sector inthe past to be formed.7. In the manufacturing sector, export incentives such as theduty global scheme and duty suspension scheme which oughtto have aided manufacturing for export in Nigeria.8. Commodity boards abolished in the past should be lookedinto, and a prototype of such must be adopted andimplemented; this will promote the export of commodities inNigeria rather than leave it to individual exporters.

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Talking Trade Webinars TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinarsSUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONScontinuedGetting It Right With Non-Oil Exports:Recommendations for the IncomingAdministrationDate: 6th May 2023 9. Export Promotion Agencies: NEPC must also pay attention toExport Development as Export Promotion is going on to thedetriment of development. Export trading houses mustexperience growth and continuity. The Government should strengthen the capacity of exportpromotion agencies to support non-oil export growth. Thiscould include providing them with adequate resources andfunding and improving their coordination and collaborationwith other government agencies.

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Tomini Adebote Olu Taiwo Olufemi Boyede, CITPTALKING TRADE &INVESTMENT GLOBAL Seyifunmi Adebote Ibraheem Haruna Lady KayMeet The TATRIG Team Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

Page 65 TRADE &INVESTMENT GLOBAL WEBINARSJoin us for a series of complimentary webinarepisodes hosted by Femi Boyede CITP,moderated by Lady Kay, alongside a panel oftrade experts discussing all matters related tointernational trade. We hold these Zoomwebinars on the first Saturday of every month at5 pm West Central Africa (Lagos) time. Visit details of our upcoming webinars.-The Talking Trade & Investment Global TeamJoin us everymonth!Talking TradeTalking Trade & Investment & Investment Global Global WebinarsWebinars

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