Success With Weight Loss What to Expect Weighing Yourself Your Metabolism With Paul Emery Holistic Treatment of the Year 2010 Co Author with Jack Canfield Brian Tracy Featured by Forbes Women s Health Fox Paul Emery is exceptional He listens carefully is understanding experienced and importantly helped me overcome a severe anxiety problem I recommend him without reservation and so will you Brett Batchelor CEO Bangkok
What To Expect Well it s common that it may feel different at first to follow ALL the 4 Steps To simply eat what you want etc To undo all your old programming However you will feel good and more in control there is no calorie counting right You may wonder how well these 4 Steps are working You will at some point forget to follow one or more of the steps i e leave some food or eat slowly So you have two choices What will you do 1 or 2 1 Feel bad about yourself binge or give up on the steps and go back to your old ways skip meals restrict the food you really want to eat go on a yo yo diet etc all of which haven t helped before in the long term eh 2 Realize that you made an error of judgment then be determined to get back onto the 4 Steps and simply continue on with the program So Just be kind and patient with yourself
About Weighing Yourself I know people like to weigh themselves and often too It s like a habit They just can t resist the allure the daily calling of the scales However I wonder if you ve ever noticed that your weight can fluctuate daily and especially over a week Does it not The simple truth of the matter is you cannot get an accurate reading on your weight loss by checking every single day You just can t The main problem is that by checking your weight every single day or every other day can lead to obsession stress anxiety depression frustration and low self esteem which then of course can cause people to feel bad about themselves give up and go eat even more So I d like to strongly suggest you leave about 10 days between each weighing You will know you have lost some weight simply by seeing yourself in the mirror by your looser clothes or by other people s compliments Would you not
About Your Metabolism Did you know your metabolism is the speed at which your body produces energy That your metabolism runs at a basal metabolic rate basic That surprisingly your metabolism is not fixed If you starve yourself skip meals then it s a fact that your mind body will go into self preservation survival famine mode and will definitely slow your metabolism down It has to as it doesn t know when you will eat again and so has to protect you from death from starvation If however you follow ALL the 4 Steps in this program and eat when you re genuinely physically hungry your body learns it has plenty of fuel and therefore it can keep your metabolism going at a higher rate It knows food energy will be replaced whenever needed And of course we all know that exercise speeds up the metabolism That will be covered in the next part of the course
Any questions regarding all of the above at the moment If so then just send me an email paul quantumepr com P S If you d like to book a private 90 minute diagnostic Success With Weight Loss Breakthrough Session then you can also use the email above to get information I offer a free initial discussion to explore your specific needs In your 90 minute Breakthrough Session we could address Clarifying and cementing your weight loss goal Increasing your motivation to lose weight and look your best Clearing any of your non supporting beliefs Removing your specific weight loss blocks obstacles and challenges Resolution of weight contributing past events or traumas Resolution of non supportive emotions such as frustration hopelessness Removing self sabotaging thoughts and behaviours Releasing any stress related emotional eating Dispel any unwanted food or drink cravings Creating and boost a positive body image Programme your unconscious mind for weight loss success Increase motivation to exercise Boost confidence self esteem self worth love and acceptance of self Diagnose food sensitivities and intolerances Is Keto for you What about food combining for weight loss and health How to manage Intermittent Fasting or detoxing Look at any weight contributing poor sleep And much more it s your breakthrough session you can ask me After your breakthrough session I can provide continued support encouragement and accountability