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Trustilio apps presentation 2022

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We help local clinics getting and keeping new customers whilst pushing them up the Google ranks with surveys, online reviews and and enquiry chatbots.DV Business Solutions

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We Address The Most Common Business Challenges• Getting new customers• Keeping existing customers• Collecting service feedback

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Review platformsGoogle – 4.8/5 - 202 reviews (over 5 years)Facebook – 5/5 - 2 reviews (over 4 years)Yelp – 3/5 - 2 reviews (over 6 years)Epilium Online Reputation

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Epilium Online Reputation

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Epilium Online Reputa/on

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Epilium Online Reputation

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IntroducingCustomer Engagement FormulaA proven formula to engage, acquire and keepcustomers using proven marketing tactics and applications.

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Customer Engagement Formula• 1. Feedback Shake – Engage patients with dynamic surveys and collect insightful data to grow your business• 2. Reviews Marketing Apps – Generate more leads using the 5stars reviews.• 3. Enquiry Chatbots – Convert web visitors to qualified leads 24/7EngageàGenerate àConvert

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1. Feedback Shake1. Dynamic Surveys – Collect honest feedback to grow your business.2. Online Reviews - Build a strong online reputation by collecting 5-stars reviews from your happy customers.3. Marketing - Boost sales by rewarding your patients for their support.A marketing app that collects ongoing honest feedback & real reviewsto grow your clinic - on autopilot.Main modules:

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How does it work?CollectàBuild àBoost

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1. Dynamic SurveysCollect ongoing feedback from pa0ents to improve services and grow your business.• Send sa0sfac0on surveys and gather insights about your service• Use customer support surveys to deal with complains internally (not online)• Manage feedback & replies from one dashboard1. Reveal areas that are performing well and what need improving2. Discover hidden opportuni6es for growth3. Gain valuable insights for marke5ng effortsClinics average results = 35% CRCollectàBuild àBoost

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2. Online ReviewsBuild a strong online reputation by collecting 5-stars reviews from your happy customers on autopilot.• Provide an easy way for patients to leave reviews directly on Google and other relevant platforms• Automate the process of collecting reviews• Manage Google replies from one dashboard1. Attract leads and rank up on Google searches2. Get insights on reviews evolution and ranking3. Save time with automations and remindersClinics average results = 20% CRCollectàBuildàBoost

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3. MarketingBoost sales by rewarding your patients for their feedback and support.• Offer patients giveaways or/and special promotions• Introduce new treatments/products• Manage all enquiry follow-ups from one dashboard1. Engage lapsed patients2. Build patients’ loyalty3. Increase repeat businessClinic average results = 12% CRCollectàBuild àBoost

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More Stats & Hidden Opportunities

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Case StudyChallengeGetting customer feedback and online reviews reminders was a tedious and time consuming task with very disappointing results.SolutionWe implemented Feedbackshake as an integral system with automated email invites, satisfaction surveys, and cross-sell campaigns. ResultsWe sent an email to 442 customers which generated the following results over the first 6-week campaign:• 45 new 5star reviews on both Google and Facebook• 15% took the cross-sell offer“We have always found it difficult to get feedback and online reviews from our clients. We tried sending out review reminders and surveys in the past but only achieved 3 or 4 back a month.Then we implemented Feedbackshake. It has been a game changer. We are now receiving incredibly valuable and honest feedback as well as around 20 reviews per month. We implemented Feedbackshake just two months ago and have already received over 50 Facebook and Google reviews. This has helped us to gain the trust of new clients and have made us more credible than our competitors. I am very excited about the future of our business and think that Feedbackshake has been one of the most important things we have implemented ever!”Dan Leonard, owner of Zapp Laser ClinicZapp Laser Clinic -

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2. Review Marketing AppsGain the trust of your patients by showing your hard earned reviews on the website … automatically.“Companies with more positive reviews get more traffic and generate a lot more business compared to those with bad ratings or even less reviews.”Let your reviews do the selling for you

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B. Reviews PageReplace the tradi<onal Tes<monial Page with dynamic reviews pulled automa<cally from mul<ple pla@orms.We also call it The Wall of Love ❤Page

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C. Reviews Carousel WidgetsAdd carousel reviews on most popular web pages to improve leads conversions.Example: Homepage, Pricing and Servicepages

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D. Reviews Social SharingAttract new patients by displaying reviews on your social media channels.

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2. Reviews Social Sharing

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Chatbots designed to engage and convertwebsite visitors to qualified leads.3. Trustilio Chatbots

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Customer Engagement Formula• 1. Feedback Shake – Engage patients with surveys to improve services and to grow the business• 2. Reviews Marketing Apps – Generate leads using the hard earned reviews• 3. Enquiry Chatbots – Convert web visitors to qualified leads 24/7SUMMARYEngageàGenerate àConvert

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INVESTMENTWhat we will do to get the best ROI from your investment?

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Customer Engagement Formula1. DIT (do it together) – we work alongside you (create surveys, optimize campaigns, manage contacts, create offers, etc.)2. Offer Staff training on how to use the system (how to reply to patients, reviews, etc.)3. Send personal video reports (share stats, opportunities, etc.)What we will do to get the best ROI from your investment?

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Customer Engagement Formula• 1. Feedback Shake – Engage• 2. Reviews Marketing Apps – Attract• 3. Enquiry Chatbot – ConvertTOTAL INVESTMENT: £550/pm + £2,000 setup + VATFriend Discount £400/pm (save £150/pm) + 2x £650/setup (save £700)12 month contract

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Customer Engagement Formula1. Feedback Shake App £200/pm + £600 setup2. Review Marketing Apps £150/pm + £500 setup• Reviews Popups• Reviews Page• Reviews Carousel• Reviews Social Sharing3. Enquiry Chatbot £200/pm + £900 setupTOTAL INVESTMENT: £550/pm + £2,000 setup + VATFriend Discount £400/pm (save £150/pm) + 2x £650/setup (save £700)12 month contract